Monday, March 20, 2006

Evil David Addington

* "'In London, former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said on Sunday that Iraq is in a civil war and is nearing the point of no return when the sectarian violence will spill over throughout the Middle East."
(thnx rimone) - the game of the week seems to be those who come out on tv and say "it's a civil war" and those who say "it's not a civil war" - as though there's some magical line. everyone is running around saying that allawi has 'political reasons' for saying that.

* miguel sent through this from Murdoch's London Times: "NEWLY released documents seized in Iraq immediately after the American invasion in 2003 point to the presence of Al-Qaeda members in the country before the war and moves to hide traces of “chemical or biological materials” from United Nations weapons inspectors."
yada yada. the bad news is they are gonna drip-drip this stuff for the next year or more. imagine the media inches/minutes that will be sucked into this vortex. arghhhhhhhh

* from the USnews article about the death of the fourth amendment, this is quite remarkable: "White House lawyers, in particular, Vice President Cheney's counsel David Addington (who is now Cheney's chief of staff), pressed Mueller to use information from the NSA program in court cases, without disclosing the origin of the information, and told Mueller to be prepared to drop prosecutions if judges demanded to know the sourcing,"
(thnx john). clemons and a bunch of others have been trying to out Addington for a while. he is evil in the shadows.

* murtha on MTP: 'iran, china and alqaeda are the only people who want us in iraq'

* on MTP, timmuh showed a graphic "who do you trust to do a better job in iraq? bush administration yes/no. dems in congress yes/no. " can anyone see the problem with this?


Anonymous said...

y'know, yesterday morning i was underneath my desk messing w/the router et al and had BBC news on TV when i heard that. i almost flipped and thought i heard wrong when he used the words 'civil war' then after finally getting back online, looked on google news to see if they cited it. yup and i'm thinking 'take /that/, mr preznit' (well, i was actually thinking along much cruder lines, lol).

Anonymous said...

lol - no need to censor yourself - you're among friends!