Tuesday, March 21, 2006

* glenn takes on josh's impeachment article - calling it "inaccurate and circular" and "weak and illogical"

* rimone sent thru this vid of Bill Maher's 'new rules' - funny. one hilight was referring to the bush vs basketball kid as "shock & autism" - brilliant.

* rimone also sent thru this vid - which is probably great - but my computer crashed when i tried to watch it. i'm *very* confident that the problem was with my computer, rather than the video - so watch and tell me what im missing (and tell me that i should get a mac)

* btw - if you like crooks&liars - you'll love one good move - they have a lot of stuff that C&L doesnt. i used to point to them a lot before my computer started behaving like a repuglican teenager.

* sibel is gonna have a press release out in the next couple of days - hopefully with some important new info about one of her courtcases. let's do what we can to get it distributed far & wide. i don't know much about the details - but i imagine that i'll get it on embargo - let me know if you want to post it somewhere like dailykos or DU or anywhere else, and i'll try to get you a pre-embargo copy if you promise to abide by embargo rules.

* speaking of sibel - yesterday i asked about stephen hatfill - guess who the lawyer was on his case? reggie walton.


Miguel said...

Do you mean Reggie Walton?

Anonymous said...

I'd like a copy if you'd trust me with one. :) I promise I won't tell anyone!

Anonymous said...

thnx miguel. fixed.

viget - i'm not even sure that it will be embargoed (the last one was). will let yuo know when i see it.
