Tuesday, March 07, 2006

iran & the 'stolen laptop'

* maha: "Yesterday the London Times reported that NATO would help US airstrikes on Iran, which suggests to me that the plans for such airstrikes are complete and are just waiting for implementation."

* speaking of Iran, make sure you read this post by emptywheel where she skewers the 'stolen laptop' story (and her previous post on the same thing) - we can expect more powell-ish cartoon-ish images in the next little while (btw - i missed Fox's "Iran will kill us all with nukes" story on the weekend. i expect that it will be repeated soon)

* speaking of iran & nukes, did you see the State Dept hack Casey, saying that Iran "can't be a little pregnant"? meanwhile, they've just separated India's military and civilian nuke programs. these people make my head explode.

* i think i've solved the abortion problem - male politicians and judges who support the coathanger bill should be forced to sign a statement that if their wives were raped, they'd love and support the resultant baby as if it was their own.

* i also have a bloggy request - Preznit Blinky and Chertoff are getting slammed for their katrina-week in/activities. i also wanna give a special shout-out to condi who was playing tennis and buying shoes, and to cheney who was buying a mansion.


Anonymous said...

AFAIC, 'slammed' means repercussions or getting fired or showing accountability. i have yet to see this (but i'm still hoping).

it's like nobody's paying attention (who'd a thunk it?) *mirthless laughter*

Anonymous said...

yeah - you are right, mirthless one

but at the same time, i get the sneaking suspicion that katrina will become a proxy dumping ground for discontent as i mentioned a few days ago.