Friday, March 31, 2006

keyboard commandos

arkin on rumsfeld:
"It's a battle, not between the West and the Muslim world, but rather, between a "small number" of violent extremists and the majority of the Muslim world who don't share their views or methods, Rumsfeld says.

Not a war between the West and the Muslim world, Rumsfeld says. It's just a war between the United States and its vast coalition against a "small number" of violent extremists.

A bunch of craven killers with their web sites are defeating America, and its Secretary of War blithely gives his own administration and government barely a passing grade, unable to see his own role and his own missteps?

I say he deserves an F. It's an embarrassment and a tragedy that this phony Clausewitz is still in a position to do so much damage to this country."

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