Monday, March 20, 2006

larisa interview

* 'parently larisa has a regular wed 8pm radio gig on The Peter B. Collins Show (website at the show streams live) - on the march first show (go to min125) - which was immediately after the AP katrina video hit the news, she said something to the effect that 'i'd love to see the equivalent video for when Bush was told that OBL was determined to strike in the US'. indeed.

in the interview, larisa also said that her editor took half of the Ledeen interview "because it could inflame emotions" sheesh - eg it's not possible to call Ledeen a liar. i wonder if it's possible to publish that stuff on, say, a blog. in the interview, she mentioned some of the things that she had to take out of her article (eg prescott bush and why 'winners' of war never get punished, and are therefore free to continue on their merry murderous ways), so i guess she could publish it elsewhere...

the interviewer asked about the Ledeen interview that had just been published (i guess that was part one) - she said that Ledeen is (was) Rove's only foreign policy advisor - and in the same breath she mentions that he was a part of PNAC - and particularly mentioned the "new pearl harbour" thingy - before launching into a description of Ledeen's involvement in P2, Gladio and The Strategy of Tension and false-flag operations - including the bombing of the train station in Rome (did she mean bologna?) by government officials in the intelligence services and then blaming it on dissidents/terrorists in order to move a political agenda.

is she suggesting that 911 was one of these 'strategy of tension' gigs? and that ledeen was involved?

here's the post i wrote about Ledeen & P2 recently - if you missed it, go read it - and in particular, read the wikipedia entries that i linked to on gladio, P2 and "Strategy of Tension" (and iran-contra is linked to all these groups as well) - it all sounds scarily familiar with the stuff that we've been dealing with these last five years - particularly in light of larisa's comments that if we don't punish people the first time round, they'll bounce back and play again. in that post, i quoted theodore draper making the same point - specifically in relation to the iran-contra crew that still grace our hallowed halls.

(btw - i'm still trying to organise my interview with larisa - hopefully we'll be able to conduct that this week)


Anonymous said...

fwiw Arctic Beacon is planning to run three stories on Pazienza

Track said...

How have they gotten the mainstream media and the political establishment to toe the line? Several books and the Internet have exposed the official 9/11 story and the 9/11 commission report.

Yet even Sen. Feingold is committed to fighting the WoT...his issue is doing it within the confines of the Constitution. His view is people who have issues with the Iraq invasion/occupation, Diebold, torture, illegal wiretapping and the Patriot Act...refuse to take one more step and question the FOUNDATION of all these sick policies. 9/11 and the WoT.

Track said...

Diebold isn't a policy but it is one of the keys to the events of the past few years. If the US had fair elections, would Bush still be in office? No. Would the Repubs still have both chambers of Congress? Maybe.

And just to clarify my point in the first post, why has the Bush administration's strategy of tension worked for so long? Their propaganda is not that good. It's easy to see through.