Sunday, March 19, 2006

libby, grossman and armitage

* AP on the Libby case:
"Noting press reports last week, the court papers say there has been speculation that Armitage told The Washington Post's Bob Woodward that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA, and speculation that Woodward's source and the primary source for conservative columnist Robert Novak are the same person.
"If the facts ultimately show that Mr. Armitage or someone else from the State Department was also Mr. Novak's primary source, then the State Department and certainly not Mr. Libby bears responsibility for the 'leak' that led to the public disclosure" of Plame's CIA identity, Libby's lawyers said.

The court filing also focused on Marc Grossman, a former undersecretary of state for political affairs who allegedly told Libby a month before Plame's identity was disclosed that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.

"If Mr. Armitage or another State Department official was in fact the primary source for Mr. Novak's article, Mr. Grossman's testimony may be colored by either his personal relationship with Mr. Armitage or his concern for the institutional concerns of the state Department," Libby's lawyers wrote." (link)
that's all very interesting isn't it? i'm not sure how ay of it relates to the obstruction & perjury charges.

it's interesting that they quote last week's press re Armitage that they themselves generated. Larisa is still adamant that it was Hadley - and on the radio last week she laid out exactly how it could be proved - e.g. get Hadley on the record, or FOIA his notes.

an alternative is to get armitage on the record - i wonder who he is protecting by keeping his mouth shut? EW and her merry redaction-analysis crew are almost convinced that armitage is the only name that fits in the redacted portions of the affadavit

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