Tuesday, March 21, 2006

libby's motions

* leopold: "(Fitzgerald said) "I will argue during that week Mr. Libby was consumed with [Wilson] to an extent more than he should have been but he was and you can look at the time he spent with people. When talking about Mr. Wilson for the first time, he described himself as a former Hill staffer. He meets with people off premises. There were some unusual things I won't get into about that week. At the end of the day we're talking about someone who spent a lot of time during the week of July 7 to July 14 focused on the issue of Wilson and Wilson's wife.""

* emptywheel goes through the motions... some highlights:
"The drawback of being Scooter Libby--indicted for perjury in a matter relating to a broad smear against an Administration opponent--is that any defense in one crime may lead to an admission of another crime. When Libby was testifying to the FBI and the grand jury, his biggest worry was almost certainly an IIPA and conspiracy indictment. So he lied, badly. But slowly, Libby's lawyers have realized that the matter at hand relates to whether Libby lied in October and November of 2003 and March of 2004, not whether he outed a spy or not. So they've changed approaches a bit."
"If you ask me, they're trying to get materials from Bolton so they can present them as Grossman's side of the argument. That is, they seem prepared to assert (comically) that Bolton's and Fleitz' allegiance lies with State, and not with the NeoCon cabal!"
"Shorter Libby's lawyers: Hadley coordinated this entire smear. We need to call him to testify that Plame's identity was a small, and forgettable, part of the larger smear."
"I find this laughable. In an attempt to claim their client found his role in leaking Plame's identity forgettable, Libby's lawyers are going to present the bulk of the OVP Joe Wilson smear. It's laughable for two reason. First, no matter how minor a part of the overall smear leaking Plame's identity was, if they included it as part of the smear, they still conspired to out a NOC. But they also seem to have given no consideration for the Pandora's box this will open."

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