Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mccain: only lying liars call Bush a liar

* josh has more on claude allen - so does digby

* emptywheel: " Both Libby and Fitzgerald appear to believe the Get Joe Wilson campaign started in response to Kristof's column (and, apparently, got underway within four days of the column). It's worth noting that this conflicts with Joe Wilson's book and recent reporting by Jason Leopold which says the campaign began earlier, in March, in response to Wilson's CNN appearance. In any case, the May 6 date seems to indicate the beginning of the narrative as Fitzgerald knows it, yet does not include any information relevant to the leak itself."

* "In December 2002, (Saddam) told his top commanders that Iraq did not possess unconventional arms, like nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, according to the Iraq Survey Group, a task force established by the CIA to investigate what happened to Iraq's weapons programs. Saddam wanted his officers to know they could not rely on poison gas or germ weapons if war broke out." (link)
note that this differs from previous versions which indicated that saddam thought he had CBW because his officers were too scared to tell him otherwise

* ""Anybody who says the president of the United States is lying about weapons of mass destruction is lying," Mr. McCain said." (link)
that's an odd thing to say - reminding everyone that the president is a liar - doesnt he know the "i am not a crook" phenom?

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