Saturday, March 18, 2006

moussaoui not required to say anything

* damien and miguel discuss impeachment over here in the comments - (damien even chimes in with a lesson british and australian politics!)

* re moussaoui: "While an incarcerated defendant may not lie to authorities, he certainly is not
required to tell the truth, for he is not required to say anything" (link)
take that, scott

* clemons: "Rice, now secretary of state, for instance, is launching a new and as yet largely unnoticed initiative to get the United States back into the game of discussing international law--everything from discussions about the rights of combat detainees and rendition practices to the international criminal court."

* "With HR 4437's provisions for indefinite detention and the reclassification of even minor offenses as aggravated felonies it is quite possible that all 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country could shortly end up in internment camps no different from the refugee camps we see throughout the rest of the world. We just never thought it could happen here.
Guess who has the contract on building the new detention centers? Kellogg, Root & Brown, a Halliburton subsidiary." (link)

* " A Pentagon intelligence agency that kept files on American anti-war activists hired one of the contractors (MZM) who bribed former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., to help it collect data on houses of worship, schools, power plants and other locations in the United States." (link)

1 comment:

lukery said...

i'm not sure he should hang...

i hate the death penalty