Thursday, March 23, 2006

My Lai all over again

* rimone does: " it’s My Lai all over again" - which is true - we need to remember that for every My Lai there are probably a hundred (?) or a thousand (?) that arent reported. that's the real crime of mylai - it's just a window. (btw - did i tell you that rimone is a helluva blogger? - she puts stories together like no-one else - and she makes it look like she isnt even trying. im jealous.)

* desi: "What the bleeding hell is wrong with people? "Act"?!? North Korea has actually come right out and said they would pre-emptive strike our asses -- no one pays any mind -- but all y'all want to act upon Iran because of something they might do with nuclear power? Oh.Kaay. I'm going to sleep and pretty sure any dreams will involve total annihilation of the planet."

* desi also points to this story - it reads like propaganda. i hope it is- but its from probably the best paper in the world. urghh.

* desi also points to this story - which reminds me of the 'sooo - a baby seal walks into a club' joke (my fave joke is a toss-up between the about the dyslexic agnostic and 'what's brown and sticky?' - but that's a whole nutha story)


Anonymous said...

holy hell...and thank you again. i actually came here to find/copy/paste/plug your stuff since i have an insane shitload of depressing things to take care of offline and can't think for myself (or actually think straight today).

lukery said...

borrow & steal at your will my dear