Friday, March 03, 2006

Q.E.D. - and baby jesus cried.

* rumsfeld: 'the iraqi government, the Good Lord willing, will be an un-islamist government'

* brithume is desperately trying to say that the AP video re katrina doesnt say what it sounds like it says.

* damien and oldschool join in with a couple of funny comments over here

* yesterday i ranted abuot the fact that i dont even bother reading righty blogs - because i've rarely seen evidence that they are correct about anything. i'm not proud of it, and i'd do anything to have some intellectually honest counterparts. to make an effort, i took a quick trip over to the WeeklyStandard blog and found this from Tuesday:
"Though hardly mentioned by the media nowadays, al Qaeda had set-up a global network long before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq...."
Q.E.D. - and baby jesus cried.

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