Sunday, March 19, 2006

shorter libby: i didnt do it.

* i wondered why the libby filings always seemed to be late-friday. jeralyn has the answer: "With the advent of electronic filing in the federal courts, lawyers can now file pleadings 24/7 and they take advantage of it. I thought the news today would be over Team Libby and Fitz fighting about whether Fitz was properly appointed as Special Counsel.
Now I see Team Libby moved on to the next front, filing a late-night discovery pleading."

* jeralyn: "The pleading also hints at Libby's trial strategy. Fitz has consistently said the issues should remain on Libby's alleged lying. Libby wants to go further. His lawyers write they are entitled to more documents than Fitz is willing to provide"

* from libby's filing:
"First, Mr. Libby had no intent to lie because he did not believe that Ms. Wilson's employment status was classified. Second, Mr. Libby was not part of a conspiracy to harm Mr. Wilson by disclosing his wife's CIA affiliation and thus had no reason to cover up such involvement. Third, Mr. Libby did not believe anyone who worked closely with him had done anything wrong and thus had no motive to lie to protect anyone else."
shorter libby: i didnt do it. and if i did, it was an accident

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