Saturday, March 04, 2006

sibel petition

* BradBlog has a new post up called "EXCLUSIVE: FBI WHISTLEBLOWER SIBEL EDMONDS IS READY TO TALK!" - which might be a bit dramatic but... "The BRAD BLOG is pleased to support a new petition calling on Congress to hold a joint Senate and House Judiciary Committee investigation, with open hearings into all of these matters."

please go sign the petition and spread the word


Anonymous said...

I signed it this morning, and it for my congress critters to email my letter to, it had a checkbox next to none other than the now "bound for prison" "honorable Randy Duke Cunningham"! :) I made sure that Francine Busby got emailed a solicitation to sign it here! Got to let the REAL rep of this district know! :)

Anonymous said...

lol - that would be the "yes-your-honor-able Randy Duke Cunningham"