Wednesday, March 22, 2006

worst. president. ever.

* maguire: "Look, there may well have been supporters of this invasion who thought that the war would be, for lack of a better phrase, a good thing. But I think that most war supporters thought that it was the best of a bunch of bad choices. To dismiss those choices as irrelevant is, in one sense, absolutely right - we are where we are, and we have to get this right (I assume that that message does not apply to any of the crowd still intent on re-fighting the "Lied about the intelligence" brawl of 2003)."

* Silberman-Robb commission and mzm? my oh my. see laura here and here

* josh has the details of a conversation between helen thomas and Blinky

* josh argues that Blinky is the Worst.President.Ever. :
"President Bush represents something different from the normal sloshing back and forth between liberalism and conservatism. He's a radical. He's set on a destructive course, laced with corruption and fed by extremism. And he mistakenly believes that stubborness and ignorance constitute a virtue he calls 'leadership'.

I don't think there's much question that President Bush is the most conservative president in modern American history. But the issue is not his conservatism; it's his radicalism and destructiveness, his willingness to wreck the state. 'Worst ever' covers a lot of ground. But I think there's a good argument to be made that he is."

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