Friday, April 07, 2006

Curt Weldon's daughter

* josh: "Duke gave more than half a million more to the NRCC. But that was before it was public knowledge that he was a felon. So I guess that doesn't count.
I guess they're using Duke's money for the Busby bamboozlement ads."

* josh: "We're hearing a lot about Rep. Curt Weldon's (R-PA) ugly decision to politicize his opponent's decision to have his daughter's brain tumor treated at a hospital outside of Pennsylvania.
Seems like a good time to discuss Weldon's daughter -- and how she made a million bucks with a 'lobbying' firm that only really seemed to lobby her dad on behalf of foreign clients."

* laura (in full): "If Libby was "authorized" to leak the classified NIE to selected reporters, by Cheney who allegedly got the OK from Bush, why wasn't the White House response to the Fitzgerald investigation: We authorized this leak?
Why did they act like it was not authorized at all? Why did they deny Libby and Rove's involvement? Why did they spend months obfuscating about who might have been involved?
Why the cover up?
Oh yeah, right. They were worried it would look like they had misled the nation to war, in advance of the 2004 presidential elections. So with the help of those like Pat Roberts, they tried to insulate the president, and blame everything on the CIA, as Murray Waas recently demonstrated."

* laura: "Let's just review. Senate Intel committee chair Pat Roberts says the American people don't deserve a real review of the administration's use and abuse of pre-war intelligence, because the Dems are trying to make a political issue of it. But it turns out the White House treated the most classified intelligence as political footballs, to be leaked like a sieve when it might serve their political and PR cause. And that was directed from the very top. So, do we get to investigate the lack of an investigation?"

* headline of the day from Salon: "Will Ralph Reed crap out?" - and an article that ought put a smile on the face of our friends in georgia (altho there's not a whole lot new there)

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