Saturday, April 29, 2006

Forni-Gate goes mainstream

* Forni-Gate extends to Dusty Foggo. Goss denies he was involved. (link)

* laura has more on how Foggo may have got his gig. (and our friend charlie wilson pops up)

* miguel: "Wait a second... Isn't Goss basically a prostitute disguised as a government employee? So the real 'Hookergate' is that a whore like Goss ever got appointed to such a high-level position in the CIA."

* calipendence: "Do you suppose if we had articles on this topic with a subject line of "Newly discovered Duke Sex Crimes" (which it is!), that it might get picked up by more "mainstream" corporate media news sites? Either that, or if folks try to get through call screeners on less than progressive talk shows, they should say that they want to talk about that too, which might help them get through!"
sex scandals are so much fun. even red-staters get excited. it looks this this story is about to go mainstream already... yippee.

* laura notes that Wilkes appaers to have moved hookers over state lines, which is a serious problem.

* "Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), whose Armed Services panel recently found Cunningham clean as a whistle, has a history of helping out the Duke in times of trouble." (link)

* "
the House Appropriations Committee (run by Duke pal Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA)) , has to date refused to look into what Duke might have done when he was in its number." (link)

"Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.

One of Wilkes' companies, Archer Logistics, won a contract to provide bottled water, first-aid kits and other supplies to CIA agents in Afghanistan and Iraq. The company had no previous experience with such work, having been founded a few months before the contract was granted.

Critics familiar with the contract, valued at $2 million to $3 million, say the CIA overpaid for the work. The contract was approved by the CIA office in Frankfurt, Germany, where Foggo oversaw acquisitions. Foggo did not personally sign the contract, however, said unnamed CIA officials who spoke with Newsweek." (link)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... this *is* interesting. The man who created Bin Laden is there too? I bet he left after the smoke got too thick...right. That way he can use the ole Sgt. Schultz defense when FBI comes a callin' about the hookers.

I wonder if the prostitution ring is a lot older than just 15 years, maybe Wilkes just took it over from whomever was his predecessor 15 years ago. These kinds of things would be mighty handy if you're a member of the permagov and you want to own a Congressman.

Starts out okay, just a little poker amongst friends, then hey, did you know I can get you some girls, and before you know it, there's a manilla envelope on your desk with the pictures, and a note "If you don't want your wife to know (or your constituents), we'll be in touch." Next thing you know, you're the chairman of the appropriations committee and setting up nice earmarks for all your CIA cronies.

lukery said...

thnx viget

it sure sheds a new light on that meme that pops up every now and again that the public screening of a candidates past is so rigourous that only cleanskins can run for office, thus substantially limiting the candidate pool