Monday, April 03, 2006

long live atheists

In an unexpected twist, patients who knew prayers were being said for them had more complications after surgery than those who did not know, researchers reported Thursday.

The complications were minor, and doctors surmised that they could have been caused by the increased stress on patients worried that their conditions were so bad they needed prayers. (link)
i thought even the best of us needed prayers.

here's a test that might be worth spending some money on - compare :
a) a group of sick atheists who are told that they are getting the normal medical procedures
b) a group of sick jesusfreaks who are told they will receive the normal medical procedures plus prayers,
c) a group of sick jesusfreaks who are told they will receive the normal medical procedures plus prayers plus a reminder that if they have been naughty they will spend forever in the fiery inferno


Anonymous said...

good one, Lukery. heh.

Anonymous said...

Since we are dealing with sick's some hometown stuff for you, Lukery. This from Andrew Bolt at the Melbourne Herald Sun:

From: Andrew Burt
Comment: When you can prove that Fox News id "Fair and Balanced", I will agree. Each time I tune in, it's either Democrat bashing hour, Who killed the precious White Girl in Aruba hour, Let's get Hillary hour or Republican strategy hour. Actually all in all - cheap and nasty crap. Sqealing guitars, Fox News Alerts that aren't really "alerts" at all. Those who disagree of course are Un-American, Anti-American or Terrorist symathisers. Wonder what the strategy will be if the Democrats get in next election. Sorry Andrew, but Fox News is rubbish for mine, much like the ABC here has become, but only for the Right and more extreme.

Andrew replies: You, too, don't seem to have bothered to read or remember - let alone consider - those arguments I've presented here to demonstrate Fox is balanced in a way the ABC would do well to emulate. Check for yourself how the network has shows with hosts and commentators from both the Left and Right, and gives both sides an equal opportunity to present their case. See, for instance, Hannity and Colmes, News Watch, Britt Hume's show, the Beltway Boys and more. Even Bill O'Reilly is scrupulous in inviting on those with whom he disagrees. You might not like individual presenters, the raucous tone or the fact that this free debate allows people to speak that you'd rather shut up, but those are very different objections to your claim that Fox News is not balanced. I'll challenge you as I've challenged so many critics: Can you name as many ABC presenters of the "Right" as the smaller Fox News employs of the Left? If not (and I'm sure you can't), what does this say about the ABC? So I repeat: Fox News is more fair and more balanced than is the ABC.


lukery said...

nice one damien

The HeraldSun is a murdoch rag, of course