Tuesday, April 18, 2006

NOBODY wants to fuck a redvoter

* scott: "Indict the Department of Justice!: Has there been a single terrorism case post-9/11 that wasn’t a complete farce?"
he has the details of all the collapsed terrorism cases.

* via the ever-delightful rimone comes this: "Under a programme starting next month, several leading US companies will give employees heading abroad a "World Citizens Guide" featuring 16 etiquette tips on how they can help improve America's battered international image."
it has the karen hughes imprimatur. i can cut it down to two tips:
1) if you are a redvoter, STFU or stay at home
2) if you are a blue voter, wear a NOT MY PRESIDENT tee-shirt, or a SORRY EVERYBODY teeshirt. I can promise that you'll never have better sex. btw NOBODY wants to fuck a redvoter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooh, 'ever delightful?' *preens*

lol, but thank you, Lukery.