Saturday, April 29, 2006

Pogo has more on dusty foggo, goss & wilkes

* Pogo has more on dusty foggo, goss & wilkes:
"They note that much of Foggo’s CI file has to do with various social encounters over the years, none of which he’s been deceptive about when polygraphed, and all of which have been deemed to be of no threat to operational security---but are still the types of things that could be embarrassing for Goss and the Agency. An issue of unease to some in the Agency, however, has not been Foggo’s solo socializing, but what happens when Foggo and Wilkes have socialized together: Several senior CIA officials have expressed concerns about potential embarrassment over parties the two have thrown together in other overseas locations. All these are the types of things that, had they been publicly revealed a la Kostiw, very well might have caused Goss additional consternation and at least raised questions about, if not scuttled, Foggo’s appointment to ExDir---and raised more questions early on about the relationship between Foggo and Wilkes, and the relationship of each with Goss."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, now that Goss has just given his "quickie" resignation. What is the speculation for the reason why? Bushco is trying to rationalize him as a "temporary transition" person leading the CIA, but we all know that's koolaid that we don't care to drink! What is it, Plamegate, Hookergate? All of the above?