Thursday, April 06, 2006

a real president?

* froomkin:
"At last night's "Opinion Awards," presented by The Week magazine and the Aspen Institute , a panel of journalists and pundits was convened to address the topic: "Covering the president: Are White House correspondents real journalists?"
And in his remarks before the panel, Senator Chris Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut, suggested that perhaps a better topic for the whole panel would have been: "Are White House correspondents covering a real president?""
that's funny

* froomkin:
"Dave Goldiner writes in the New York Daily News: "A new online poll conducted by Scholastic magazine says more than 80% of kids don't want to be the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.
"Amazingly, that's a nearly total flip from 2004, when 75% of the elementary and middle school children did want to rule the roost from the White House. . ."
that's amazing. we should repeat that statistic every day. NCLB.

* preznitBlinky speaks:
"And one way to do that is through the advent of health savings accounts, which is, in essence, a health savings account coupled with a high-deductible, catastrophic insurance plan. That's long-word talk for if you get seek above a certain amount, your insurance pays for it."
me love you long time

* holden notes that pedophile doyle has been scrubbed from the internets already

* oh no! here i was playing around with the grafix and aravosis completely hijacks my game! bastard!

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