Monday, April 24, 2006

rendon's flowers and candy

* digby: "If Bush has to launch nuclear war to prevent being held acountable for what he's done, that just how it has to be. Remember, they believe that "in the face of the Iranian menace, the Democrats will lose.""

* "Bolten has promised more housecleaning this week" (link)

* "The Washington Post has a story out this Sunday about Rumsfeld's secret new strategic plans. The WaPo story . . . seems to be that Rummy wants to replace State Department authority with military authority, all over the globe:" (link)

* juan cole plays the goodleaks/badleaks game

* "Two vials of a deadly bacteria may be missing from a government lab in Trenton - or officials might simply have miscounted, they said yesterday." (link)

* question of the day: why didn't Rendon have the flowers and candy ready for the amtroops when they invaded iraq?

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