Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tyler Drumheller (Non) Watch

Following up from Froomkin's "And I can't possibly explain why" regarding the media silence on Tyler Drumheller, here is Froomkin today

Drumheller (Non) Watch

Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Dick Polman , in his blog, tries to fathom why so much of the media is ignoring former CIA official Tyler Drumheller's public statements (first on CBS's 60 Minutes , then on MSNBC's Hardball ) in which he describes how the real failure in the run-up to war in Iraq was not in the intelligence community but in the White House.

Here's Polman's best guess: "Bush's credibility on Iraq is at such a low ebb (check even the Fox News poll) that it's no longer considered 'news' when his WMD stance is publicly contested by credible people who are adding new facts to the historical record. A majority of Americans have already concluded that Bush was selling a bill of goods, so much of the press reaction to Drumheller is basically, 'Yeah, tell us something we don't know already.' "

Robert Scheer writes in The Nation that it was a version of this 60 Minutes story that CBS so famously suppressed before the November election.

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