Monday, April 17, 2006

war is good for Republican politics

But for the worst and most perverse of reasons, war is good for Republican politics for the simple reason that modern Republicans do not lay claim to extraordinary powers because they need them to fight a war.

No, Republicans go to war because they want extraordinary powers to ram through their extremist agenda.

War lets a weak little creep shut down dissent while his bag men loot the place. It is grotesque -- like carjacking an SUV full of children because you covet the lighter -- but it lets the GOP have a crack at the Hunny Pot they have always craved -- unlimited and unchecked power -- so Preznit Tipsy McStagger has a vast entourage of enablers and pilot fish.
Here's an idea - I suggest that we tell them that they can have their StarWars Missile Defense Program. All of it. They tell us what the budget is, once, and we give them all the funds they need, today. We don't ask for any deliverables, we'll never look over their shoulder - it's their project - as long as they hand over government to people who actually have the slightest interest in governing. They can employ who they want, pay themselves what they want, create their own deadlines, or not - whatever they choose. The only thing they'll need to agree to, and this will be an internal discussion between them, is how to divvy up the honey pot.

They'll never get the damn thing finished (thank goodness), and it will at least stop the charade of starting wars - and countless other scams - so that they can skim their 5% off the top. In other words, just give them the SUV lighter - heck - give them the whole damn SUV - anything to stop them terrorizing the children.

If they agree to that, I'll happily call a truce. They get to take our children's treasure, and we get to keep our children. Sound fair?

Oh - and read the rest of Driftglass' post

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