Saturday, April 22, 2006

what can i do to help?

* alterman on Walt/Mearsheimer:
" Do these problems justify the inference that the authors are anti-Semitic? Of course not. Raising the issue purely on the basis of intellectual disagreement is shameful--and actually helpful to genuine anti-Semites, as it diminishes the accusation's potency."
good point. woof, woof.

* hitchens: "Clueless Joe Wilson"

* rimone has decided to take one for the team - and give Blinky a blowjob. hmm - that's awful brave. what can i do to help? pay for the mouthwash? the kneepads? the psychiatry bill? host the video?

* meanwhile, peggy noonan gives up her BJ rights: "The presidency can break you — we've seen it break presidents — and [Bush] does not intend to be broken. But one senses he fears to bend because if he bends, he breaks"


Anonymous said...

i haven't heard from him yet--i don't understand it. :)

lukery said...

perhaps he likes boys.

perhaps it's time for me to do my duty...