Saturday, May 13, 2006

Americans screaming "Spy on me! "

* further to my spying/deflation theory is the polling that was rushed out with Americans screaming "Spy on me! Spy on me!". Hamsher has the details:
"The headline blazing across the Washinton Post this morning reads: "Poll: Most Americans Support NSA’s Efforts."...

So before the phone records story even breaks, Morin — who knows absolutely what he is doing — starts polling people who have no idea what he’s talking about and giving it his best shot, tying it to the War on Terra. It works.
This was a carefully run PR campaign that depended on the full cooperation of the cocktail weenie set."

* the other oddity of the day (on the odd INVESTIGATIONS kabuki) was during BritHume's grapevine section (which the newshounds call "two minutes of hate") comes this (the disgusting Jim Angle was gleefully on duty today):

Impeachment Threat

Some House Democrats, such as Michigan's John Conyers, are calling for efforts to impeach President Bush, a threat Democrats could pursue if they were to win control of the House in November. In fact, Republicans have been using Democratic talk of impeachment to energize Republican voters for this fall's congressional elections. In hopes of blunting that effort, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is now saying she will not pursue impeachment if the Democrats take control of the House.

Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly tells The Washington Post that "impeachment is off the table; she is not interested in pursuing it," adding that Republicans "are in such desperate shape, we don't want to give them anything to grab on to."

odd huh? Foxnews is gleefully announcing that Pelosi won't hold impeachment hearings - but the john-conyers-is-scary impeachment hearings strategy was sposed to be Rove's GOTV plan.



Anonymous said...


Me too. Remind me again, which way does stuff spin down the plug-hole?

Track said...

Will Pelosi say, "We can't go through impeachment for that would be too divisive at a time when the nation needs to heal. Besides, the American people want to move forward."

I so wish it weren't so but the Dems are probably complicit.

lukery said...

simon - lol - depends which planet you live on

noise - my only hope is that come jan07 there will be a national consensus that impeachment is perfectly appropriate and the whole 'divided nation' nonsense they were able to convey for the 04 elections has disappeared. if we are at 80% who seriously agree that Blinky is a fuckup, then it'll be difficult to ignore that momentum

Anonymous said...

Pelosi has five children and is a street smart career woman, You can't do that without vigorously pursuing your own agenda and pissing people off when it suits you. She is teflon-coated and can smell public sentiment at 100 miles. Her policy is 'never lose' (which translated means 'only associate with winners'). No principled leadership here, just follow the crowd.

lukery said...

i still like don's "all options are on the table"