Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bolivia’s decision to nationalize

* amy:
"The Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has publicly backed Bolivia’s decision to nationalize its vast gas and oil reserves and to renegotiate all contracts with foreign oil companies. Stiglitz met with Bolivian President Evo Morales on Friday. The former World Bank official said Bolivia was right to receive just compensation for its natural resources and that nationalization is part of a process of returning what already belonged to the Bolivian government. Stiglitz added that it is clear that the neo-liberal economic policies of Washington have failed the people of Bolivia."
bwahahaha. bolivia is toast. i hope east timor does the same and 'steals' back their own oil from the australians (there's a really, really screwed up story about australia, east timor, oil and the 'jakarta lobby' that we haven't even begun to understand)

* on the news that the pentagon is stockpiling arms for afghanistan, don notes: "One thought, though: considering that a lot of Iran's war materiel, whether 'inherited' from Iraq in '91 or purchased since, is Soviet/Russian in origin, I can't help but wonder if guns and ammo are all the Pentagon's buying."
indeed - and it raises another issue - wtf was the DoD thinking in terms of managing expectations and such?
"Defence specialists said Russian arms chiefs at first "fell about laughing" because they thought the order was a joke when it arrived this month." (link)
The order is "equivalent to about 15 times the British Army's annual requirements" and the pentagon apparently somehow dropped this order into the normal procurement channel as a standard RFP. Something is seriously wrong with this story/situation.

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Don said...
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