Wednesday, May 24, 2006

busby, bilbray and roach

* from calipendence:
"Busby's campaign person... noted that when they did the poll, one thing that was highly encouraging was that she had 100% name recognition"
go francine

more calipendence:
My guess is that if the Rethugs had to pull Bilbray out of the election, they'd find a way to replace him with Eric Roach in the special election, though I don't know if the rules could be bent by the Republican infrastructure around here to do that. It might even be sweeter if she were to stomp on Roach too, who's more right wing than Bilbray, and that would make the symbolism that much stronger. Though I'm guessing if they did have to do that, they'd time it such so that it was close enough to the election so that Busby and the Dems couldn't get enough ads done to counter Roach instead of Bilbray (noting that he spent on the campaign earlier before the April election more money than Duke Cunningham actually took in bribes as "the businessman" of that election). With his money, he'd have all of his ads ready to show in a blitz right during the last week or two to try and swamp the area with publicity then. I would hope they wouldn't let the Republicans control if and when Bilbray would be removed from the race if that were to happen.

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