Saturday, May 20, 2006

Bush: backwards at the end of the line

* parry:
"When future historians scratch their heads and wonder how George W. Bush came to lead the world’s most powerful nation at the start of the Twenty-First Century, it might help them to know that many Americans found his type familiar – and thus reassuring. Bush was the alpha male on the cruise ship.
Unlike alpha males in the wild, Bush has managed to mark out his territory knowing that virtually nobody – not another head of state nor a private citizen – is in any position to contest his supremacy."
* consortiumnews published some reader responses to the above:
"George remains the Omega Male, thinking that because he's backwards at the end of the line, he's the one who's leading from the front. "
* "(APN) ATLANTA – US Senator Menendez (D-NJ) is “looking closely” at signing on to US Senator Russell Feingold’s (D-WI) bill to censure President Bush, Senator Menendez told Atlanta Progressive News during an in-person interview.... The blog Firedoglake had reported Menendez planned to sign on to the bill months ago and later retracted their report due to what the bloggers there said was conflicting information." (link)

* on brithume's grapevine they showed showed some polls - particularly one that asked whether people thought the USG was listening in to their phone calls. about 30% of dems/repugs and independents all said 'yes'. i mention this only becuase we normally see real partisan polarization on any issue. they also showed an impeachment poll(!) - with 30% wanting to impeach (i didnt catch the actual question and whether it had a contingency (it's not up on the website)

* on yesterday's grapevine they say:
"Impeachment Advocate

Michigan Congressman John Conyers, who would head up the House Judiciary Committee should the Democrats retake the house, has already held a mock hearing on impeaching President Bush.

But in The Washington Post, Conyers writes that he will not immediately begin impeachment proceedings if the Democrats win. Instead, he wants to create a bipartisan committee to investigate "whether intelligence was mistaken or manipulated in the run-up to the Iraq war... the extent to which high-ranking officials approved the use of torture," as well as "whether the leaking of the name of a covert CIA operative was deliberate or accidental, as well as the identity of those responsible."

Conyers says if there is evidence of impeachable offenses, his Judiciary Committee will act upon them."
it's difficult to work out what they're trying to spin. some days they try to scare repugs people that if dems win, they'll impeach, other days they crow that they've got pelosi to back down..


lukery said...


if the sun rises in the east...

Anonymous said...