"A very spirited and provocative debate took place among right-wing bloggers over the past week. The question under consideration: Should George W. Bush be impeached for his failure to stop the "Mexican invasion" and protect our nation's borders?wow. pat buchanan called for Bush's impeachment on this issue 12 (?) months ago - and now the Bushists are falling all over themselves with same. sweet.
Several prominent conservative bloggers argued vehemently in favor of Bush's impeachment. Leading the charge was LaShawn Barber, who actually drafted articles of impeachment and supported them..
Many on the Right have decided that Immigration is now the paramount issue that must be dealt with, and their differences with Bush on this issue, which they have long suppressed, are now exploding into the open, which is only exacerbating the president's severe political difficulties. Nothing in particular has happened on the immigration front, leading to the question of why has this issue taken on such critical importance now?
I think a lot of the Malkin types have become bored with the whole "War on Terror" business, which provided them good, strong emotional sustenance for the last four years. But September 11 is now almost five years away. There have been no good "battles" for a long time; we don't even pretend to capture or kill any high-ranking Al Qaeda members any more; and while invocations of "war" will always be good for some blood-rushing excitement, the whole thing seems so distant and abstract at this point. It's just not enough any more."
meanwhile, this from bob at impeachpac:
and ADS has a new line of clothingTell Nancy Pelosi Impeachment Is Good for Democrats
Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi has instructed the Democratic Caucus and promised the corporate media that the Democrats will not impeach Bush and Cheney even if they win a majority in Congress. Of course, such timidity is the most likely way for the Democrats to not win a majority in Congress. While 90% of Democrats and 81% of Independents disapprove of Bush in the latest Harris poll, only 67% of Republicans approve of him. Every poll done on impeachment (http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/polling ) shows very strong support among Democrats and weak opposition among Republicans. Moreover, an off-year election is won by inspiring your "base" to turn out in higher numbers, and nothing inspires Democratic voters like impeachment.Here's an article about Pelosi's position:
IMO, either Pelosi is a mole or Bush Co. is blackmailing her.
Pelosi is one of the eight "special members of Congress." Bush signed an executive order in 10/01 which limited highly classified intel to just eight members of Congress. Pelosi has been part of this group since that time. IMO, that is not a coincidence.
"Goddammit - we called first dibs on impeachment!!"
lol. the righties steal all our good ideas... if only we could get them to think that wars arent nearly as fun as they once seemed then i'd be happy to let them think they authored that one...
noise - larisa wrote about the gang of eight here
i think you are right to presume that everyone on that list is corrupt/blackmailed
from my post: http://wotisitgood4.blogspot.com/2006/02/sibel-larisa-plame.html
3. "The Gang of Eight" is composed of the House speaker (Hastert) and minority leader (Pelosi), the Senate majority (Frist) and minority leaders (Reid), and the chairmen and ranking minority members (Hoekstra & Harman) of the House and Senate (Roberts and Rockefeller) intelligence committees.
4. In 2001, the Gang was Hastert, Gephardt, Daschle, Lott, Bob Graham, Shelby, Goss & Pelosi.
not very comforting, huh.
"I don't think there should be any doubt that we have now heard it all regarding prewar intelligence," he (Roberts) quips. "I think that it would be a monumental waste of time to replow this ground any further."
How does he face the families of soldiers after protecting the Bush administration at the expense of soldiers? You try to explain to people...this doesn't hurt the Democrats, hell they are using this crap for a campaign advantage. This hurts the soldiers and the Iraqi people. THEY are the ones paying a REAL price for this criminal foreign policy.
Factor in a MSM (Russert comes to mind) that treats scumbags like Roberts with kid gloves. The disconnect is brutal.
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