Friday, May 05, 2006

divide and bonker

* viget in the comments asks:
"Is oligomania more or less dysfunctional than monomania?

Because I'm probably equally obsessed about Judy, phony Iraqi intel, the CIA leak case, the makeup of the permagov, Sibel's story, and the truth behind 9/11.

Oh, and then there's the Holy Grail of all of this: the Grand Unification Theory of the Republican/PermaGov Scandal. That is, I want to know What's Really Going On (tm)."
i can only answer that oligomania is presumably less dysfunctional than monomania - a problem shared and all that - but when viget starts to conflate that with a G.U.T. then it risks becoming monomaniacal again - and we all know that is categorically unhealthy.

divide and bonker


Anonymous said...

There's speculation, wild speculation and then there's GUT.

lukery said...

and we'd never belieive in GUT - right?

we're too smart for that

Anonymous said...


You guys making fun of me? :)

I can't help it, we're always taught in medical school to look for a unifying diagnosis, so I always look for unifying theories that explain the world around me.

They're just theories. If they're wrong, then you just have to reformulate your hypothesis to account for the new data. It's not like I'm ignoring new intelligence and information to start a war or anything... Sheesh. (/snark, if you didn't know)

Though, you're right. Monomania is unhealthy. I'm trying to wean myself from the blogs, but it's not working very well. I don't know how I'll go cold turkey when I actually have to be in the hospital 15-16 hours a day without access to the internet or time to blog.

Miguel said...

Viget, Luke, all-
We now have slam dunk evidence that Zarqawi is not a phantom but actually exists. He's released his own "bloopers" videotape. Phantoms don't make blooper tapes- or do they?

lukery said...

viget - lol.

one of the most disappointing things i learnt in the larisa interview was that there are overlapping storylines. (It was also a useful thing to learn). Things would be much easier to understand if there was a GUT (or a ToE).

btw - when are we going to lose you to the hospital?

miguel - my head is exploding. again. thnx for the link - i've been meaning to get a zarq post out for the last couple of days.

Anonymous said...


Wellll....the longer I waste my time here, the longer you'll have me. :)

In all seriousness, probably about a year from now. Finishing up my PhD is holding me back right now, and I need to get the OK from the thesis committee to defend. I've got another update in October some time. Basically, I have to have submitted a paper by then, and have some preliminary data for another paper. I've been in the freakin' lab too long now anyway, I hope they'll take pity on me and let me go.

lukery said...

viget - best of luck.

hopefully the internation nightmare will be over in 12 months and we'll be able to recuse you from blogggy duties