Wednesday, May 24, 2006

fringe loonies

* Fox has an oil-company-flunky on to 'discuss' global warming climate change:
"That’s the problem. If I thought Al Gore’s movie was as you like to say, fair and balanced, I’d say, everyone should go see it. But why go see propaganda? You don’t go see Joseph Goebbels’ films to see the truth about Nazi Germany. You don’t go see Al Gore’s films to see the truth about global warming."
* emptywheel:
"My favorite thing--among many favored things--about Wired posting Mark Klein's documents about AT&T's complicity in Bush's domestic spying? They're basically calling Abu Gonzales' bluff. All over the Sunday talk shows, there he was, threatening to incarcerate journalists. Not Dana Priest and James Risen, mind you. Just unnamed future journalists. And have you noticed how quiet WaPo and NYT have gotten? Well, that's what Abu Gonzales is looking for. Not direct confrontation, nosiree! He's looking for fear. A cowed media. And unfortunately, our media is well-practiced at assuming the bovine position.
But I don't think he'll take their bluff. Gonzales has been faced with a leak challenging BushCo's audacity. But, as Glenn Greenwald has argued so well, they want to avoid a court challenge at all costs. They don't want the Pentagon Papers, they want fear."
* emptywheel is doing an overview of the leak case - part one here - so you can catch up on everything and show off to your friends.

* "According to a new Zogby poll, less than half of Americans are convinced that that the events of September 11 have been thoroughly investigated, RAW STORY has learned." (link)
fringe loonies.

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