Thursday, May 18, 2006

george bush: feels good

* davidcorn:
"I'm surprised that there's not been more coverage of the Rove's final (we think) battles with special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald. Are reporters tired of speculating?...I do know this: observers of the leak case are on high-alert for something to happen soon."

* jeebus:
"New federal guidelines ask all females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves -- and to be treated by the health care system -- as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon."

* there's been a lot of coverage about the news networks switching to bush a few moments early for his speech the other day - but i havent seen anyone mention what happened the last time that happened - remember when he was about to give a speech to announce the invasion? from The Guardian:
"According to one who witnessed the scene on a TV monitor, the president shook his fist, turned to an aide elsewhere in the room and said, with feeling: "Feels good!"

So relaxed and playful was he at this sombre moment that, when the BBC cut to him just before the start of his speech while he was having his hair and make-up finished, he was grinning and cracking jokes.

The White House is said to be furious with the Beeb over this unfortunate portrayal."

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