Tuesday, May 30, 2006

God Damned Angry Liberals

* driftglass:
"God Damned Angry Liberals and their God Damned America-Hating Media!

Spoiling a perfectly nice Monday when we’re supposed to take a minute or two away from the barbecue to remember those that have fallen in old-timey wars by blabbing about those that are dying here and now.

Don’t they know that all of the honoring of the dead is supposed to be packed into one special, ritualized day? Girded by speeches and wreaths and proclamations and taps, and not gummed up with a lot of hoo-ha about the "I"-word? Because while on every other day of the year, pointing out the cost of Iraq in blood and treasure is merely disloyal to the Dear Leader, on Memorial Day it is so much worse: It’s in bad taste.

It makes people uncomfortable.
Why do they insist on Phelpsing our solemn, fleeting national mediation on the price of war by dragging the actual price of a particular war into it and waiving it in our solemn national faces?

Why do they trouble our Beautiful Minds with such filthy little facts?

Have they no decency at all?"

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