Tuesday, May 30, 2006

haditha massacre: old news

* a comment over at FDL from a post about RalphReed: "There is no war on fucking in America. We just need to learn how to fuck like republicans."

* Independent:
"The incident is now being described as potentially the worst war crime since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, comparable to the Abu Ghraib scandal and reminiscent of the massacre of several hundred Vietnamese villagers at My Lai in 1968. But peace campaigners say the findings raise the prospect that other incidents reported to have involved the killing of "insurgents" actually involved the death of civilians."
indeed. i'm actually surprised at most of the reaction to the haditha story. people seem surprised. by my count, the number of iraqis dead because of this war is approximately 6,000 times the number of people murdered in the haditha massacre. i wonder how many other massacres occured - and whether it even matters how they were slaughtered. (btw - i wonder how long till some talking bobble will dismissively say 'this is old news')

* Karen Kwiatkowski:
"We will figuratively hang those Marines who participated in the slaughter at Haditha. We will also crucify those who did not participate, but failed to stop it, and those who helped to cover it up. We will not pity those young Americans we trained to kill when they failed to show mercy in a place they don’t understand, on a mission as frivolous as it is insincere. We will hold them responsible.

We ought to set our sights a bit higher, and begin in a serious way to politically destroy those people in Washington who placed our young men and women in Iraq, on such a frivolous and insincere mission. Those worthy of a criminal punishment include much of the Senate, many in the House, and of course, our great decider, his untrustworthy Vice President, and their Pentagon senior staff."

* pach:
"Terror is an emotion. Emotions are part of human nature and cannot be eradicated. A "War on Terror" is therefore a war on humanity. The Bush administration has exploited the fear and shock of a nation in the wake of a surprising and dramatic act of violence to whip national fear and paranoia into a constant boil. Why?
The evidence suggests the whole point has been to seize power and steal money. We are witnessing a creeping coup in the United States, the overthrow of the idea, promulgated by our founders and by writers like Tom Paine, that the "Law is King" "
read the rest


Anonymous said...

This is very sad... I wonder if we'll have to wait another 30 years to find out about any heroes that might have prevented worse damage in this event like Hugh Thompson had to endure after Mai Lai, getting a medal in 1998 not too long before he died 62 years old. Seems like we're repeating a lot of bad history and creating worse precedents this time around.

lukery said...

that story about thompson brings a tear to my eye every time...