Sunday, May 14, 2006

Jeralyn: Rove's plea agreement failed


Leopold reports the charges include lying to investigators and perjury before the grand jury but it is not yet known if obstruction of justice is one of the charges.

If obstruction is off the table, there's still a chance Karl Rove can avoid prison by pleading guilty and continuing to cooperate with Fitzgerald. Only if prison is unavoidable, do I think Karl Rove will fight.

Update: Jason said the meeting lasted 15 hours. That tells me they were hammering out a plea deal to the charges. Were they successful in coming to terms? Stay tuned.

Update: I'm still thinking out the scenarios. If I had to take bets, I'd say efforts at a plea agreement failed. Why? This line from Jason's report:

[Fitzgerald] instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning.

It sounds to me like they went round and round for hours and weren't able to come to a meeting of the minds. So my take is Karl Rove will be fighting the Indictment.

1 comment:

AB said...

This seems to be getting precious little attention in the net. Odd, that.