Monday, May 15, 2006

Joe Wilson also heard Rove is indicted

* jeralyn called luskin re leopld (link)

* jeralyn: "Yes, (Jason is) standing by the story. And yes, I believe him. As to when it will be announced, that's a different story, because of Bush's speech planned for Monday night. They may hold it until Tuesday or even after."

* will pitt:
"I just got off the phone with Jason Leopold who clarified something for me that is pretty damned important. In his article, he said:
"During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys for former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with an indictment charging the embattled White House official with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in the CIA leak case, and instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning."
In point of fact, those 24 hours are "business hours," i.e. starting on Monday.

"Jeez, Jason," I said, "we might want to put that into the essay. Half the planet thought 24 hours was 24 hours. They thought the deal would go down today."

To be fair, a dozen eyes looked at that article yesterday before we published it, mine included, and none of us caught that. The word "business" has been inserted into the story after "hours" where it belongs:

So. Monday at the very earliest, but more like Tuesday or Wednesday.

* larry johnson:
"It is not just Jason Leopold. Joe Wilson heard the same from other sources. And, more importantly, Jason is reporting based on multiple, more than two, sources. His editors realized what a big story this is and did the appropriate checking before posting. They are called Truth Out for a reason. Getting the truth out."

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