Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ledeen: 'Iran moved some of its WMDs to Syria'

* "Loony Weldon Thinks CIA Is Out To Get Him" (link)

* The American Spectator strikes out against Larry Johnson. It's brilliantly funny. LJ's response here

* froomkin: "Then Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert ripped those stitches out. Colbert was merciless, reserving his most potent zingers for the people in spitting distance: The president who took the nation to war on false pretenses and the press corps that let him do it.
Colbert was merciless, reserving his most potent zingers for the people in spitting distance: The president who took the nation to war on false pretenses and the press corps that let him do it."

* jane has a pre-fitzmas timeline on Mr Karl Rove (R-Indctd)

* "The New York Times' article Monday on the White House correspondent's dinner failed to include any mention of Stephen Colbert," (link)

* Henley: "(Ledeen) said Iran had recently moved some of its WMDs to Syria for safekeeping... It’s a wonder anyone has room to move in Syria, with all those other countries’ ‘weapons of mass destruction” lying around. I fully expect that in 2007 we’ll learn that Hugo Chavez has shipped his WMDs to Syria for safekeeping, and in 2010, it will be the People’s Republic of China."

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