Tuesday, May 23, 2006

libertarians will never solve global warming

* wapo:
"Perhaps the most important element of the emerging strategy will be to "move from a referendum to a choice," as Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman put it. Instead of a verdict on Bush, Republicans want to frame the election as a contest with Democrats, confident that voters unhappy with the president will find the opposition even more distasteful.

"We're moving from a period where the public looks at things and says thumbs-up or thumbs-down, to a time when they have a choice between one side or the other," Mehlman said."
good luck with that.

* digby:
"Global warming is a mutual, planetary challenge and the conservatives and wingnut libertarians who see money as freedom can do nothing but put their heads in the sand and pretend it isn't happening. The only question is whether it will kill their bankrupt ideology before their bankrupt ideology kills the planet."
the libertarians will never solve global warming. can/will anyone else?

* glenn:
"The administration's assault on a free and vital press took a huge leap forward this weekend, when Attorney General Alberto Gonazles announced on national television that the Bush administration has the power to imprison journalists who publish stories revealing conduct by the President which the administration wants to conceal (such as the warrantless NSA eavesdropping program, which he specifically cited). Gonazles went further and made clear that the administration is actively considering prosecution against journalists who publish such stories.
This administration is obsessed with eliminating the few remaining checks on their ability to operate in secret, and there is nothing which can advance that goal more than official threats of imprisonment of journalists -- which, as amazing as it is, is exactly what happened this weekend."
(c&l have the video)

* tpmm is covering the Jefferson debacle. this is a good post with some delish detail, for example

* tpmm: "Prosecutors in the case against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay have asked the state's highest criminal court to reinstate an indictment accusing the former House majority leader of conspiring to violate election laws. The appeal filed with the Court of Criminal Appeals Friday had been expected and likely postpones a trial for DeLay on a separate money laundering charge."

* and tpmm has more on jerry lewis and the defense contractors slushfund merry-go-round... how long till duncan hunter gets seriously dragged into these investigations?


Miguel said...

I agree with you completely on global warming. It is the main reason why I maintain some libertarian ideals, but refuse to embrace the entire libertarian program.

If global warming is caused by human activity, and the evidence grows with each passing year that it IS, then it seems to me that some type of regulations are required, onerous as they may be.

I don't see any other way around it. And I think the libertarians don't know how to deal with it, so they just try to challenge the science.

lukery said...

"And I think the libertarians don't know how to deal with it"

unfortunately it's not obvious that anyone else knows how to deal with it either. grrrr.