Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Porter Goss. *Another* prostitution ring. Gay hookers.

larisa did a surprise spot on the PeterBCollins show on Friday night. (here is the mp3 - starts at about 5 min)

1. She heard about goss on Thurs night (ie in advance)

2. there's a another prostitution ring - separate to the wilkes prostitution ring. Goss was involved in that other ring as well - and the prostitutes were of both genders... expects this story will break soon.

3. When Karl gets indicted it will be for lesser crimes than he ought to - because he gave Fitz the 250 pages of emails
update: Joe Cannon adds:
""This is going to make Monica-gate look like romper room," Alexandrovna says of hooker operation number two. She also confirms that these rings existed for the purposes of blackmail. Maybe that explains why the Republicans maintain such discipline, and why some Dems refuse to function as members of an opposition party."
update - Hello new visitors. Grab a coffee. You may be interested in my recent interview with larisa

In the first installment, All Roads Lead to Iran, we discussed the criminal & corporate power factions - both inside and outside of governments that led to the Iraq invasion, and are angling toward Iran, amongst other things.

In the second installment, All Roads Lead to Iran, Again, we discussed Brewster Jennings and Valerie Plame, Brewster Jennings and Sibel Edmonds, the 911 cover-up, and the corruption of Dennis Hastert.

In the third installment, Bad Leaks and Good Leaks, we discuss:
1. Iran: Energy, Drugs & MEK
2. Intel Trafficking: Distinguishing between Strategic, Military, Industrial & Political leaks
3. How to corrupt a Congressman, or the entire Pentagon.
4. Promoting Good Leaks: How to support whistleblowers


Anonymous said...

Those Who Do Not Know History
Are Condemned To Repeat It.
As long as we are ignorant of their tactics, they'll use them over and over and ...

Anonymous said...

sorry but none of this is why goss was dismissed with such urgency. but dismissal does have to do with iran and it is NOT about some sex scandal

gary said...

I'm linking to this.

Anonymous said...

update: Joe Cannon adds:

""This is going to make Monica-gate look like romper room," Alexandrovna says of hooker operation number two. She also confirms that these rings existed for the purposes of blackmail. Maybe that explains why the Republicans maintain such discipline, and why some Dems refuse to function as members of an opposition party."

Combine that with Hayden's refusal to answer whether the NSA was wiretapping Bush's political opponents and I think you might have something... not that anyone in Congress could possibly have anything to hide...

lukery said...

don - good point.

there's something creepy about Hayden watching people having sex... i wonder if they do it for blackmail, or for fun...

Anonymous said...

Ok, here is something I don't understand. Why in the hell would the 9/11 hijackers set up their base of operations in places such as the Venice Florida area and the San Diego area when those places are known to be areas used by U.S. intelligence agencies???? Doesn't anyone find that wierd? Seems like they would set up base in smoe backwoods area where there is not as much chance of there being people spying on them??? Make me think they are patsies for something else.

lukery said...

anon - good point. i guess they needed to be somewhere near a flight school...

i alsways wondered why they didnt go to flight school in some other country

theBhc said...


cancel that link about this subject. My post is gone, after reading what Joe had to say about it. He dug around and is unconvinced that the militarycorruption.com stuff is very serious and may, in fact, be delusional.

See cannonfire on this at Hold everything.