"Note the irony: While private phone company employees at AT&T and other corporations must have sufficient security clearances to know what is going on in the NSA program- because they are helping to run it-- the Justice Department's own ethics lawyers do not. It's a convenient way to forestall any investigation into wrongdoing."
Friday, May 12, 2006
we may even be greeted as liberators
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
Further interesting bits from Hopsicker about the drug plane captured in Mexico owned by partners Royal Sons and Skyway Aircraft (Brent Kovar). SA was the only tangible asset of SkyWay Communications Holding, a penny stock fraud company going bankrupt -which also had ties to the Bush family and the Saudis.
Titan Corp was the biggest campaign contributor of Randy Cunningham and a major contributor to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter, who returned the favor by defending Titan’s torture employees at Abu Ghraib.
Before signing on with Titan, executive David Stinson was the VP of an Annapolis Maryland firm Intergraph dealing with Brent Wilke’s ADCS Inc under investigation by the FBI.
In May of 2004 Titan Corp promised as much as half a billion dollars worth of business to Skyway CH for software supposed to protect planes from terrorism, and provide high-speed Internet at 30,000 feet. This was originally German software from a company called VPMAX with US distributor John Karpovich who allegedly followed the Skyway-Titan deal being put together by Wilkes, Hunter and Foggo.
We also get Akram Chams, a mysterious Lebanese man who owned a convenience store provided assistance to Mohammed Atta and other 911 terrorists in Venice Fl before the 911 attack, who then disappeared leaving behind a thriving Kwik-Check mini-market abandoned in downtown Venice.
According to Hopsicker, Chams has since been working as a contractor for Titan Corp in Saudi Arabia.
Links: 1 2 3 4 -
Friday, May 12, 2006 2:29:00 PM
at least he's still in double figures. (note wsj headline: "Bush’s Approval Rating Drops")
* blumenthal: * kagroX: