Sunday, June 11, 2006

media has just turned the volume off

* calipendence said...
You know, timing is everything... Just today there is the newer news that ties Abramoff and his associates more into the murder of Sun Cruz Casinos founder Gus Boulis in 2001. Had we known that a week ago, as long as the opposition was "stretching" their logic so much to make Busby sound like an "immigrant lover", I think we could have made the same stretch that Bilbray likes to be associated with murderers, with his trip to the Marianas on Abramoff's dime!
* Damien said:

As for the rest of the stuff, as you know, any one of a dozen scandals should have brought the Bush admin to a standstill. But none of them have. It seems the US media has just turned the volume off and the public doesn't want to know. People only seem to be moved by Iraq, migrants and gays. That's a depressing set of priorities.

I wish you guys the best in the 2006 elections but, really, something has to happen on the public awareness front.

if only...


Anonymous said...

On... Brad's Blog is giving us another reason to despise both the AP and these Rethugunauts that are finding ways to try and make this Bilbray character a "winner". Pretty damn disgusting if you ask me!

A mock swearing in party before the rest of the votes are counted and any certification happens? Sheesh! Bush's staged Katrina visits were bad enough!

lukery said...
