"The name of San Diego defense contractor Brent Wilkes has surfaced in several ongoing ethics probes. Among them: (DeLay, Lewis/Lowery, Doolittle, Dusty Foggo)"what's up with that?
* keillor on ralph reed:
"A true party loyalist would withdraw from the Republican primary for lieutenant governor of Georgia and say, "I will not allow this mess to distract people from the good work of my party." But Mr. Reed is no quitter.
The sexual trespass of a president is a story any mortal can understand, and the use of your father's influence to sneak you into a military unit where you're less likely to face combat is an act of cowardice all of us cowards can appreciate. But the chutzpah of Mr. Reed in wheedling money from Abramoff to snooker Christians against gambling is cold-hearted greed. And his work on behalf of the sweatshops and sex factories of the Marianas, arguing that the Chinese women imported there were being given the chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, takes us to yet an entirely new level."
Brad Friedman reports that a recount (er "count") request has been filed with the ROV here in San Diego for a hand count of the 50th district votes. It'll be interesting the next few weeks to see what happens. Hope Haas gets his ass sued for that money, especially if it turns out Busby won instead.