Tuesday, August 01, 2006

bad blogger

* reuters:
"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told the Syrian military on Monday to raise its readiness, pledging not to abandon support for Lebanese resistance against Israel.

"We are facing international circumstances and regional challenges that require caution, alert, readiness and preparedness," Assad said.

"The barbaric war of annihilation the Israeli aggression is waging on our people in Lebanon and Palestine is increasing in ferocity," Assad said in a written address on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the foundation of the Syria Arab Army."

* talkleft:
"If you thought Guantanamo was likely to close soon, think again. Camp 6, a permanent prison, is set to open in September."

* talkleft:
"Documents suggest that New York City Mayor Bloomberg lied when he denied that politics played any part in his decision to deny protesters access to the Great Lawn in Central Park during the 2004 Republican Convention. The Bloomberg administration claimed to be "motivated by a concern for the condition of the expensively renovated Great Lawn or by law enforcement's ability to secure the crowd," even though documents produced in a lawsuit show that the police preferred to have protestors gathered together in that location."

* horowitz:
"The United States and Israel and every sentient being in the path of the Islamist crusade are teetering on the brink of a massive defeat in Lebanon and thus in the war on terror."

(i've been a bad blogger these last few days. sorry about that. and sorry for the emails and comments and stuff that are piling up, unanswered)


Anonymous said...

...bad blogger! bad blogger!

None of your hard work is going anywhere Luke, if Murdoch has any say in it. My four postings to Australia's Daily Telegraph were knocked back (too Left, too Real, too Accurate). So I was forced to read Piers Ackerman stuff:

blogger: Piers, could you please explain why Israel needs to use cluster bombs to achieve its stated aims?

Piers: For the same reason the atomic bombs were used to stop WW2 in Asia. To end the killing.

....[silent scream]....

Don said...

Contrary to popular myth, real life does go on while you're online and, once in a while, does require attention.

All work and no play will turn you into a gibbering wreck.

In your case, a finely nuanced gibbering wreck, but still... ;)

Shaun Mullen said...

Hey, I tried sending you a finely nuanced email, but it bounced back.

Hate to wave my willie in public, but I've put up a link to Wot Is It Good 4 at my own blog . . .


. . . which includes my nuance-free take on the Middle East conflagration.

Good day. (And email mail me with an email address what works, okay?)

lukery said...

damien - thats absurd/hysterical.

i've warned you before about the forehead damage that can occur as a result of your brave efforts. however, i must also note that silent screaming isnt very useful either

lukery said...

don - i'm not really sure i have the heart to tell you - but my distractions this week haven't taken me off-line. so to your "All work and no play will turn you into a gibbering wreck" i'm still 'all work' and still a gibbering wreck!

lukery said...

steve - thnx for your nuance, and lack there-of.

my email address appears to be working fine.

Anonymous said...

Documents suggest that New York City Mayor Bloomberg lied when he denied that politics played any part in his decision to deny protesters access to the Great Lawn in Central Park during the 2004 Republican Convention.

please! apart from the fact that the Great Lawn is wall-to-wall people on summer and spring weekends, i didn't need 'documents' to know bloomberg was lying through his teeth at the time.

Don: All work and no play will turn you into a gibbering wreck

*mirthless laughter* although i read way more than i 'work.'