Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Missile Defense: One Percent Doctrine

* ha! watching lehrer - they are doing something on missile defense. apparently the chance of success is 'better than zero'!

* via the miracles of Blogger - i've actually changed the comments timestamp to reflect dayandtime - so you should hopefully be better equipped to judge whether a comment thread is still 'active' (LeeB asked that I change this a while back, and I've just learnt how to do it.) As I understand it, all comments are still stamped australian time (regardless where you are reading) - so it might appears that you are commenting in the future. (australia is 19 hours ahead of the Left Coast)

* Damien has a Damien-typical 'rant' over here about a bunch of 911-y dodginess and Florida - roping in chertoff, jeb bush, Titan corp and atta (and others). He then apologised for ranting. Please go over here and tell Damien what you think of his apology.


Don said...

Via TMV, via an anonymous teenager in San Diego, "Meanwhile, George Bush Has A New Ranking On Google."

Grab a coffee (or a beer or what have you). Ready? Ok, go to Google, type in "asshole" (without the quotes) and hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

Sit back and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

can't you change that dark background of the blog, it makes reading not that easy.

Anonymous said...


"Have you ever wondered why your childhood scars survive more years than most of us care to admit? I mean, you shed your skin in little increments, every 24 hours or so. How could the scar still be there that you got when you ran into the Dalrymples' front porch, bug-eyed with terror as that mean, lurching lunatic Billy Parkinson chased you all the way from the corner store, long after you thought he'd have given up? But it's still there, zigzagging under your right knee like a lightning bolt. How? You must have shed your skin a gazillion times since that summer, but the scar reproduces itself faithfully, following some dumb tactile memory that defies the passage of time.

That's the way the children of Lebanon will grow up hating Israel."

Anonymous said...

Anon 1 - Have you tried changing the text size in your browser? That is an adjustment very easy to forget . . .

Anon 2 - Terrific analogy. That explains in terms most people can readily understand why "get over it!" is not a remedy. Thanks.

lukery said...

anon1 - sorry about that - this question comes up every now and again. i'll put it to a vote. ideally, i'd like to be able to offer a toggle button - so that it can be either white on dark or the other way around. did the increase in text size help?

anon2 - thnx for that - FP'd.

lukery said...

anon1 - sorry about that - this question comes up every now and again. i'll put it to a vote. ideally, i'd like to be able to offer a toggle button - so that it can be either white on dark or the other way around. did the increase in text size help?

anon2 - thnx for that - FP'd.