Friday, September 01, 2006

Darth Cheney is the key

* kathleen:
"On Dopey, he's the best jive ass talker I've ever heard. You can listen to him, and in instant replay, you can't repeat what he just said because it makes so little sense, you just can't grasp it, anywhere."

* Josh Holland:
"Can we put the 'Bush is a doofus' vs. 'Bush is an evil genius playing a doofus' debate to rest?

You know the debate I'm talking about. You'll see a post about Bush's latest goofy gaffe on some liberal blog, and then in the comments someone will write 'Don't underestimate him -- everything Bush has done has been perectly according to plan. He's gotten everything he wants.'

It can be hard to reconcile Bush's apparent simple-mindedness with his massive consolidation of executive power, his ability to hypnotize a large part of the electorate into thinking that his administration will serve their interests and the huge pay-off his presidency has represented for the boys down at the country club.
Darth Cheney is the key."

* christy:
"I’ll take a genuine leader — one who says "I have nothing to fear, but fear itself," or one who asks "not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." A real President doesn’t just stand up and say "be afraid, and leave it to me to take care of everything." That’s what a control freak or an abusive partner does, and I’ll take neither, thank you very much."

* ken:
"It's commonly understood that once Godwin's Law is invoked, a conversation is dead—and that any person who invokes Nazis almost definitely has failed to make his point. It's what philosopher Leo Strauss, the great inspiration to neoconservatives like Rumsfeld, called Reductio ad Hitlerum—the absurd smearing of any opposing line of thought as “Hitleresque.” He may not have been contributing to an online bulletin board, but Rumsfeld's invocation of Nazis and the G.O.P.'s sudden interest in fascism seem to be a perfect illustration of how deep this war's supporters must dig in order to justify a deadly folly."

* teddy Kennedy:
"Secretary Rice's performance benefits greatly from being compared to the miserable record of the Bush foreign policy team as a whole. Unlike too many in senior positions, she sometimes seems to understand the need to work with our allies in meeting common goals, and her decision to alter our unproductive approach toward Iran was an important one. However, the Secretary bears responsibility for the many failures of the Bush foreign policy, including the mounting risks posed by Iran and North Korea, the failure to secure nuclear weapons in the former Soviet Union, and the administration's fumbling response to the Israeli–Lebanon crisis. And on the international issue that concerns most Americans—the war in Iraq—she and the Bush team continue to pursue the policies that have led to thousands of deaths and very little progress."

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