Saturday, September 23, 2006

Iran War: the order has been given.

* krauthammer:
"Religious fanatics, regardless of what name they give their jealous god, invariably have one thing in common: no sense of humor... No sense of irony."
* dreyfuss:
"Suddenly, stabilizing Iraq—and minimizing the political fallout from Iraq at home—may be more important to the Bush administration than sparking yet another conflagration in the region.

We can only hope. True, we could wake up any fall morning to the news that American planes are conducting bombing raids on Iran’s dozens of nuclear facilities—raids that would be likely to expand to countless other Iranian military targets, from airports and missile installations to ports, military bases, government offices and beyond. Or, we could awake to hear that Israel, on a more limited scale, has initiated attacks of its own on Iran. But more and more, it’s starting to look like the realists have won this fight."
fingers crossed.

* meanwhile, I'm told that Phil Giraldi has a new article in American Conservative about the new war with Iran which apparently goes even further than The Nation and Larisa, saying that the order has already been given, and that the war will begin after the election. I'm trying to get a copy of the article.


Don said...


"Religious fanatics, regardless of what name they give their jealous god, invariably have one thing in common: no sense of humor... No sense of irony."


lukery said...

what a moran.