Saturday, September 09, 2006

wield a very big mouth

* uranus:
"I have a question.

If I develop a systematic, coherent and serious plan to kill a person, I'm guilty of two federal offenses: conspiracy to commit a felony and conspiracy to commit murder. If that plan involves more than one person, I'm guilty of multiple counts.

Furthermore, if I'm stupid enough to write this plan down and sign the document, I have incriminated and indicted myself.

So, my question is, why is it the Department of Justice hasn't prosecuted the whack jobs who signed the various documents which made up the philosophy of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)? After all, their plan involves the killing of countless, innocent people in a global campaign of horror and death designed to make the whole world buckle under in submission.

They can call it whatever they want, a policy, a military directive, preventive war, pre-emptive war--but it all comes down to murder. These little boys want to be free to kill, kill, kill, to conspire to kill, and plunder the commonwealth in a random rampage of killing. You know, I hate the idiots in my hometown. But if I formed a panel which wrote up a document stating we were going to kill all the idiots and take over, they'd throw us all in jail. Or the damn nut house. What makes fools like Perle, Kristol, Murdoch, Cheney and Rumsfeld so damn special and immune from the laws of civilized society I know instinctively to follow?
It's no longer a case of right versus left, but that of right versus wrong. Our real battle in the world is with evil, and that battle isn't fought with battalions in the field. Do your part with simple acts of goodness and humanity, however great or small, and wield a very big mouth."
damn hippies.


profmarcus said...

steve clemons at twn has posted on his belief that the bolton nomination is dead and, staggeringly (to me, at least), he proposes a signatory to the pnac statement of principles, paula dobriansky, currently an undersecretary of state, as his choice for ambassador to the u.n... i have great respect for steve clemons, but i think he is off the rails on that one for all the reasons cited above...

Anonymous said...

"What makes fools like Perle, Kristol, Murdoch, Cheney and Rumsfeld so damn special and immune from the laws of civilized society I know instinctively to follow?"

Maaaaybe, just maybe, they're rich and powerful (have well connected friends with even more connected friends) and they control every major aspect of checks and balances?

lukery said...

romunov! by jove! you might have found the answer!

prof - if i'm not mistake, clemons has been pugging for dobriansky for a long time. apparently being a pnac signatory is a guarantee of future employment forever (unless the Hague has something to say about it)

Anonymous said...

Yes. I suppose the question is rhetorical. These guys break about every other law as well, so one infraction shouldn't be more of a surprise than another. I'm troubled by the way the "Path To 9/11" story is dominating the news. It's clearly intended to be a distration for heaven-knows-what, and heaven-knows-what must be pretty big, because "Path" cost a tidy sum, and a number of people stuck their necks out pretty far. Keep your eyes open, because I believe these right-wing fanatics are up to something. Hahahaha!!

Anonymous said...

Uranus, really good post w/excellent questions.

I'm troubled by the way the "Path To 9/11" story is dominating the news. It's clearly intended to be a distration for heaven-knows-what

EXACTLY what i mailed to luke last night.

lukery said...

my hunch is that pt911 is an increasingly desperate effort to coverup stuff, not as a cover for something imminent. we've got them on the defensive