Thursday, October 19, 2006

part 5 of my KTM interview "Valerie Plame and Sibel Edmonds" is up at, surprisingly, KTM.

also dkos, Booman, and DU


Track said...

Excellent interview thus far. I think it was part III that felt like reading a Dan Brown novel. By that I mean there is so much sinister shit going on it's hard to believe.

Guys like Franklin, Abramoff, Delay and Cunningham have been charged (with three of the four receiving jail sentences).

How is it that guys like Perle, Grossman and Feith never seem to get into legal trouble?

Anonymous said...

i'm so f/p this today. the whole thing makes me ill...

lukery said...

thnx Noise - you are right - the real perps are still running their biznesses. (altho i suspect that abramoff & delay are more 'involved' in the system that duke & franklin)