Saturday, October 07, 2006

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. = Evil

* mike rogers was on tucker carlson (5 min) - he says he's gonna out more Repugs in the next month.

* kleiman:
"Hastert preferred not to know, just as he preferred not to know about DeLay's extortion, Cunningham and Noe's bribe-taking, and the massive "transactional lobbying" by Abramoff and MZM. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Add 'em all up, and what do you get? Evil."

* parry on foleygate et al:
"In a very perverse way, the story of the e-mails and the pages does represent one of the fundamental lessons of working in today’s one-party Washington: Whether in politics, intelligence or journalism, avoid doing or saying anything that offends powerful Republicans.

At, we have addressed this politics of fear before, noting many examples of retaliation against reporters, intelligence analysts, political leaders and prominent citizens who have refused to toe the line.

For instance, in understanding why Washington insiders so thoroughly bought into George W. Bush’s bogus case for war in Iraq, one has to remember the abuse heaped on anyone who challenged Bush or his rationales.

The critics could expect to be trashed by influential Republicans, taunted by the powerful right-wing media and treated harshly by mainstream news outlets, too.

While Bush rarely joined personally in the attack-dog operations, he maintained a remarkable record of never calling off the dogs, either."
* amy:
"In Iraq, the body of a Kurdish lawmaker was found yesterday after he and his driver were shot in the head. The lawmaker, Mohammad Redha Mohammad, is the first Iraqi Parliament member in the current government to be assassinated. Members of the Iraqi Parliament are permitted to hire up to 20 bodyguards but Mohammad had none with him when he was attacked."

* amy:
"LA Times Urged Group to Edit Stop Big Media Ad
Meanwhile the advertising policies of the Los Angeles Times are also coming under scrutiny. Last week the group Free Press attempted to take out an advertisement in the paper to announce the FCC's public hearings in Los Angeles on the new media ownership rules. The Los Angeles Times originally said the ad would cost $25,000 then bumped the price up to over $100,000 because they claimed it was an advocacy advertisement. Craig Aaron of Free Press says the paper then offered a lower rate but only on certain conditions.
Craig Aaron: "They said they would give us the $40,000 rate on this revised ad, as long as we removed the phrase, quote, “that would allow the largest media companies to get even bigger,” which is how we described the new rules being put forward by the FCC, and we deleted any mention of our own website. The Tribune Company just happens to be the primary mover behind the push to end the ban on newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership.""

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