Thursday, November 09, 2006

Republicans: gone.

* hastert gone, rumsfeld gone, allen gone, pombo gone, simmons gone, harris gone, weldon gone.

Republicans: gone.


Miguel said...

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, Hey, Hey, Hey, KISS THOSE ASSHOLES GOODBYE!

lukery said...

it feels kinda sweet, huh???

we've got a few still to kick out - and then shovel them all to the local bighouse.

lukery said...

adding... santorum, dewine...

Anonymous said...

Hastert? Gone from leadership probably, but still in the House.

lukery said...

mamayaga - you are correct, technically ;-)

soon he'll be gone, technically. we're working on it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we can grow the House majority in coming months when we have special elections to replace some of the criminals that will be indicted soon (ie Duncan Hunter, Doolittle, Bilbray, etc.).

Also, check out this gem from Faux News. Apparently its big news that Hastert won't run for "Minority Speaker", whatever that is... Perhaps that's their codeword for what Speaker of the House is in the lame duck session, which might be very important if Bush and Cheney both decide to do a heave ho and quit to get the "minority speaker" in as president.

Anonymous said...

Simmons/Courtney recount, 167 vote difference. Results will be known next Wednesday. When you cocsider that Chris Murphy and Joe Courtney were able to oust incumbents, without any help from the head of the ticket, Ned Lamont, CT voters were right on. By no help from the head of the ticket, I mean that voters wanted joint campaign events, but the Lamont campaign couldn't get that together, among other things they couldn't get together.